Tuesday, March 9, 2010


It has been such a blessing to get here in Kenya! Yesterday was the first day of camp and it was so amazing to see how many children came to the camp and the way they were dressed and how they were acting, it was something I had never seen before. I really can't explain. I met my two favorite little boys ever yesterday name Thomas and Charles! They are so cute and Charles was stuck to my hip. His english is so good and I can't wait to show the pictures and videos. Today we went to Sister Freda's hospital and we went into her house. She was such a sweet lady, her husband Richard is so old but he is just as great as well. I told her that I wanted to be a nurse and then she took my hand and gave me a tour of the entire hospital. She showed me the baby that was born yesterday, she was so little, there were so many people there I couldn't even fathom how they could help so many people... I also got to see the "operation" room. It looked nothing like what we would have in America. I am so happy that I got to come here and I cannot wait till I can tell you so many more stories in person. I love and miss you all! Thank you to everyone who supported me on this trip.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! Keep the stories and pictures coming.

    This post made me recall the day my lovely daughter was born - March 10, 1992.

    Please send a Big Happy Birthday and hug to our dear Daley!


    Dad, Mom, Steph & Nate

    The Pecaitis family.
