Saturday, December 26, 2009

Trusting Him

Hey guys!

Merry Christmas!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families and friends! The holidays can be a difficult time for some people so I just wanted to post some encouraging words for those of you that might need them. I am so excited for Kenya and I know you all are as well. However, it's getting closer and closer to crunch time and raising funds for this trip is starting to get difficult, especially right around the holidays. I want to encourage you all to continue to completely trust God. He is incredible and loves us all so much and He will do amazing things in order to get us where we need to be. Remember that everything is always in HIS timing, not ours. I've found that with the craziness of this season in my life, making time to focus on God and pray consistently becomes difficult, but it is so so so important for us to make an effort each day. God knows all of our desires and all of our needs and He wants to help us with those things. If you know that you have been called to be on this trip, God will get you there-- there is no doubt about it and absolutely no need for you to be worried or stressed about how it will happen.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"

- Philippians 4:6-7

So, let's praise our God and express our trust and love for Him through our prayers these next few months leading up to the trip! Prayer is such an amazing gift that we have and it's power is overlooked so often. My hope is that this helped a few of you and that this verse lightened a few hearts; I turn to this verse constantly to remind myself how important my prayers are.

Enjoy your Christmas break and have a fun and safe New Year!!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So Excited to Go!

I'm so excited to go to Africa.

For too long I've seen pictures, watched videos, been to benefit concerts - even given money to help Africa. So much that I'm actually not moved by them much anymore. If someone starts to mention Africa, I listen, but not intently. I am moved, but not that much.

That's all about to change. Because I'm going to Africa with you. And you and I are going to be ROCKED by it. No longer will it be images of some distant place, Africa will become alive with the sights and sounds of real people. You'll help real people and know real names. For a few days this March you will become part of Africa's real story. And I'm asking God to break me, mold me, and challenge me like no other time in my life. I'm praying for that for you, too.

I can't wait to go with you to Kenya - get ready to be ROCKED!

Pastor Josh

Friday, December 11, 2009


Hey Team
We are meeting this Sunday evening at room 409 (located in the portables on the upper campus. Bring any money that you have. Please plan on being there!