Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hey friends & family,
We have arrived safely in Amsterdam. We are getting ready to board our last flight of the trip!
The team is doing great - the students are tired and worn out - but everyone is traveling like a veteran at this point!

We arrive on KLM flight 0601 at 1:25 pm. We need to clear customs first before we can see you...which could take anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes.

Like I said up top...the students are coming home tired...and not just sleepy, but emotionally, physically and spiritually drained. They have poured out their hearts and souls in Kenya. It definetely could take a few days for them to be 100%. Make sure they hydrate, sleep, and eat well their first few days back. IN fact try to make them stay up until at least 8pm for the first few nights to help them get back on America time.

We are so proud of your students...they exceeded our expectations in every way. They were a joy to lead and do ministry with. Thank you for sending them! See you soon
Katie Edwards

PS Sorry about not being able to communicate more. Kenya internet is not the most reliable!

1 comment:

  1. i am so proud of each and every one of you for being the servants you've been on this life-changing trip. words cannot express how excited i am to see you, hear stories, and see pictures! i'm proud that my friends have been such wonderful examples of the Church and shown the love of Christ in kenya. i, along with many others, have been praying for you and reading this blog to hear of your stories. you all are wonderful and WELCOME HOME!
    i love you!
    jordan gunderson
